Improv for Executives

Improv for Executives
Improv for Executives
By Robin G. Brown
Illustrated by Paola Grasso
Freestate West Publishing
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Even executives and managers must be able to talk to others. Communication is truly and genuinely vital to creating and running a successful business. Good communication includes good conversation. Good conversation is about expanding and heightening what is between you and the other people in the room. There is a time for a good yarn and there are people who love to hear about your vacation, but keep it to a minimum. Follow the rules of good conversation. Avoid such questions as "How was your weekend?” Don’t start conversations with “I”: “I think Kennedy was killed by the CIA and here is why … Blah, blah, blah.” A negation has many forms. Do not negate. But do read this book for good ideas, including how to improvise your conversation in and around the office.

About the author

R G Brown has a bachelor’s degree from Western Illinois University in business and a master’s degree from the University of Southern California in theater. He is an alumnus of the Second City Training center and performed with the Improv Olympic in Chicago where he was directed by Del Close. He later taught Improvisation for the Theater at the Stella Adler Conservatory, West.

He has spent a lifetime teaching anyone who will listen how to be more comfortable in social and business situations, using the basic principles of improvisation. This quest has led him to lecturing at business conferences and ultimately working with private companies in order to help their employees become better in all business situations.